After its debut at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival, Steven Soderbergh‘s haunted house exploration Presence finally arrives in theaters on January 24, 2025. Neon took the movie out of the Park City lineup at the end of this year and is now adding ‘Presence’ to its growing list of horror movies after the success of Longlegs and Immaculate this year.
Lucy Liu and Chris Sullivan portray the leaders of a family whose marriage is already breaking down as they move into a handsome, century-old home in a good school district. Chloe (Salina Lang) of the couple has been traumatized by her friend’s death from a fentanyl overdose, which is causing tension between Chloe and her brother, Tyler (Eddie Maday).
This movie unfolds through the eyes of some. The cinematographer is Steven Soderbergh, who guides Presence to different rooms, where the first-person ghost hides in closets or attempts to make contact or warn, in a series of single takes. The plot takes an even more malicious turn when West Mulholland’s character, a jock, is introduced.
Presence is written by David Koepp, the writer/director of the great 1999 haunted house movie “Stir of Echoes” and the less great but similarly themed “You Should Have Left” from 2020. Soderbergh’s classy production elevates the genre formula — and in a year where perspectival cinema is all the rage, including in films like Nickel Boys and, to a degree, In a Violent Nature, where the camera was ever affixed to the serial killer rather than his victims.
Presence opens in theaters January 24. Watch the trailer below.