Above the Line vs Below the Line / Episode 15
Guinea Pig Groomer : Vlatthew Schuchmar
Vlatthew was born in a pool of swag and angora sweaters. He forgets what words mean sometimes, and just loves his collection of rare moccasins. If you ask him what time it is, he’ll tell you.
Film Critic : Matthew Schuchman
In the early 90s, while at the video store with his friends who wanted to rent Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitter’s Dead, Matthew asked the clerk if they had any copies of Naked Lunch available. A film buff from an early age, he would turn his fascination into his own review site in 2010; Movie Review from Gene Shalit’s Moustache. From there, he provided his voice to such publications as Den of Geek, Coming Soon, and Verbicide magazine as a film reviewer and talent interviewer.
The French Dispatch Video Review