Two days after he was injured in a snowplow incident near his Reno, Nevada, “Hawkeye” actor Jeremy Renner updated the world on his condition for the first time since suffering “chest trauma and orthopedic injuries.”
Renner thanked fans for their support, although he noted that he was “too messed up now to type.” He shared a photo of his bruised and bloodied face and said that he sends “love to you all.”
Check out Renner’s message. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm-KZ1YPJe7/
Minutes after Renner shared his comments, Nevada’s Washoe County Sheriff’s Office gave an update on exactly what had happened tohim at a livestreamed news conference. Officials made sure to point out that were handling the major accident investigation as they would any other.
“Based on our investigation, Mr. Renner’s personal vehicle, which was being driven by a family member, had become stuck in the snow near his home,” Washoe County Sheriff Darin Balaam said. “Mr. Renner went to retrieve his PistenBully [snowplow] or snowcat, an extremely large piece of snow removal equipment, weighing at least 14,330 pounds, in an effort to get his vehicle moving. After successfully towing his personal vehicle from its stuck location, Mr. Renner got out of his PistenBully to speak to a family member. At this point, it is observed that the PistenBully started to roll. In an effort to stop the rolling PistenBully, Mr. Renner attempts to get back into the driver’s seat of the PistenBully. Based on our investigation, it’s at this point that Mr. Renner is run over by the PistenBully. An eyewitness detailed seeing Mr.
Renner get into the PistenBully and not seeing him again until the PistenBully came to a rest in a pile of snow in front of his driveway. At this point in the investigation, we do not believe Mr. Renner was impaired at all, and we believe this is a tragic accident.”
He also added that the sheriff’s office now has the PistenBully, which is being analyzed so they can rule out any mechanical failures or factors like whether the machine was supposed to be in park, as they would in any major investigation. They don’t suspect any foul play, he said multiple times.
Renner was airlifted to a hospital just after the accident — Balaam noted that, because of the weather, it took longer than usual for first responders to reach him — where he underwent two surgeries.
As of Tuesday, he was in critical but stable condition.
Balaam said Renner himself was in good enough condition to speak to first responders.