Lonely Planet | Official Trailer | Netflix : Starring Laura Dern, Liam Hemsworth

©Courtesy of Netflix

Ready for a trip to Morocco? So is Laura Dern. In the new romance Lonely Planet, from Susannah Grant (Erin Brockovich), Dern plays Katherine, a novelist who heads overseas only to fall headfirst into a most unlikely love story of her own. “Katherine has spent her life dedicated to narrative and therefore [hasn’t spent] much time looking at deep truth within,” Dern told Netflix. “She is at a turning point in her life where she is looking for a softening and deeper understanding, and she finds it in a love story.”

That love story comes in the shape of Liam Hemsworth, who was thrilled to work with the Oscar winner. “Sharing scenes with Laura Dern was an absolute privilege,” Hemsworth said. “She has this remarkable talent for drawing you in, making every moment feel intimate and real.”

In other words, Lonely Planet is exactly what we need as the heady last days of summer turn into the chilly months of autumn; it provides a blast of heat that’ll have you reaching for a fan. Read on for a dedicated travel guide, and stay tuned as your Lonely Planet reservation gets closer.

Lonely Planet

©Courtesy of Netflix

What is Lonely Planet about?

A reclusive novelist arrives at a writer’s retreat in Morocco, hoping the remote setting will unlock her writer’s block. While there, she meets a young man — what starts as an acquaintanceship evolves into an intoxicating, life-altering love affair.

For Dern, Lonely Planet had a lot of attractive qualities. “What drew me to the story was the exploration of identity and self-worth within relationships, especially in a world as intellectually charged as the literary scene,” she said. “The dynamic between the younger man and the older, established writer intrigued me because it’s not just about romance — it’s about finding someone who truly sees and understands you, which is something deeply human and relatable.”

Where can I see a trailer for Lonely Planet?

Check it out at the top of this story!

Read Susannah Grant’s director’s statement: 

With Lonely Planet, I wanted to make a film about the transformational power of travel —  how sometimes journeying thousands of miles away from everything you know about your life can make you see it, and yourself, in a revealing new light.

Katherine and Owen (played beautifully by Laura Dern and Liam Hemsworth) arrive in Morocco — far from all the familiar signposts of their day-to-day lives — more ready for change than either realizes. A chance encounter throws them together in a dusty car on a bumpy road trip through the Northern African hinterlands. Neither is looking for a new friend, but as they explore this new place together and navigate the unexpected challenges that can come with being an outsider in an unfamiliar culture, a surprising bond grows between them that makes them see that neither is exactly who they thought they were.

Laura and Liam both brought the profound commitment to character and storytelling to this film that’s familiar to everyone who’s seen their tremendous work over the years. They were both so deeply trusting of each other and the material — watching them collaborate to build the relationship between Katherine and Owen was a front-row seat to two top-tier actors working in total support and harmony, encouraging and surprising each other in every scene.

They’re surrounded by an equally wonderful international supporting cast. We were lucky enough to work with actors and artists from almost every continent on this film, all of whom showed up every day with an enthusiasm and eagerness to work together, understand each other, and bridge any cultural gaps that might exist with creative commitment, unmitigated joy and tremendous goodwill.

To that end, in both content and process, Lonely Planet ended up being a testament to the power of letting go of the familiar — and a reminder of how much can be learned by forgetting everything you thought you knew.

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