Unstoppable, a sports drama set around wrestling champion Anthony Robles, has been given a new trailer by Amazon MGM Studios. After its debut at the 2024 Torofto International Film Festival, the film will be available to watch on Prime Video on January 16, 2025.
What transpires in the Unstoppable trailer? Jharrel Jerome is featured in the video as Anthony Robles, who won the 2011 NCAA individual wrestling national championship despite being born with only one leg, and plays the role. Jennifer Lopez is the cast member for Judy Robles, Bobby Cannavale is the cast member for Rick Robles, Don Cheadle is the cast member for Shawn Charles, and Michael Pea is the cast member for Bobby Williams.
Anthony Robles, who was born without a right leg, manages to become an NCAA Division 1 champion wrestler and win a national championship against Iowa, the school that rejected him. Unstoppable’s director is William Goldenberg, who won an Oscar for his work on the screenplay with Eric Champnella, Alex Harris, and John Hindman.
The book is based on the book Unstoppable: From Underdog to Undefeated by Robles and Austin Murphy, which describes how I became a champion. Robles is recognized as Jerome’s stunt double and performs the complicated wrestling moves and stunts that will be featured in the movie, in addition to his role as a producer, the group of producers from Ben Affleck, Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas, Andrew Fraser, Gary Lewis, and David Crockett.