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Tag: Baby Assassins

NYAFF Review: Baby Assassins: Nice Days Kills Comedic and Action Beats

©Courtesy of the NYAFF Including humor between mismatched protagonists can often make their battle to survive emotionally-charged, physically demanding obstacles easier in a film. The new Japanese martial arts-driven feature, Baby Assassins: Nice Days, is one such intriguing example. The crime movie intertwines alluring slacker comedy with extreme action beats. The feature serves as the…

Fantastic Fest Review: Actresses Akari Takaishi and Saori Izawa Slay as Titular Protagonists in “Baby Assassins 2”

The struggle to survive emotionally-charged, physically demanding situations can often become easier with the introduction of humor. That has certainly driven the success of the action comedy film genre, especially when they include mismatched protagonists. The new martial arts-driven action comedy, Baby Assassins 2, the sequel to the hit 2021 feature Baby Assassins, is one…