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Tag: Gone With The Wind

A ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ Sequel May Be Coming, Says Brian May

Queen fans will be delighted to learn that a sequel to Bohemian Rhapsody is potentially in the works, according to guitarist Brian May. In an Instagram Live chat, as reported by IndieWire, May teased, “We are looking at it. Yeah, we have been looking at ideas. It’s going to be hard to follow that one…

14 French Films To Celebrate Bastille Day

Bastille Day is the French celebration that marks the moment in history when the people uprose against the aristocracy; this revolutionary act led to the proclamation of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. Despite it being a quintessentially francophone feast it is heartfelt all over the world, even in the…

Cancel Culture Is Getting Out Of Control

Back in the summer of 2020, the 1939  Oscar-winning Gone With The Wind was removed from HBO Max, after 12 Years A Slave screenwriter John Ridley, who won the best adapted screenplay Oscar for his work, wrote a column in the Los Angeles Times saying it should not continue to be shown because of its…