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Tag: Hasan Oswald

Mediha : Exclusive Interview with Director Hasan Oswald on DOC NYC’s Winning Film

©Courtesy of Together films. Mediha : Mediha and her younger brothers, Ghazwan and Adnan, were kidnapped in August 2014 when ISIS invaded their village of Sinjar in Northern Iraq. After years of enslavement by different ISIS families, they were rescued and returned to the IDP camps in Northern Iraq. Their parents and youngest brother are…

‘Mediha’: A Brilliant Testimony to a Young Woman’s Endurance and Bravery

©Courtesy of Together  It is no exaggeration to say that the humanitarian crisis involving refugees and migrants is one of the most daunting issues of our day. In the United States, the southern border has become a flashpoint of tension, provoking contentious rhetoric in this year’s presidential election campaign. Abroad, legions of people have been…