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Tag: It’s a Summer Film

‘It’s a Summer Film!’ : Japan Cuts / An Exclusive Interview with Director Sôshi Masumoto

Synopsis : Barefoot and her friends decide to make a samurai movie, gather a unique cast and staff for the production, and try to screen it at their school festival. During the production, Barefoot finds out that Rintaro is a time-traveler from the future. An Exclusive Interview with Director Sôshi Masumoto Q : In this…

‘It’s a Summer Film’ Review : “Japan Cuts” at Japan Society – The Film is a Marvelous Ode to Magic and Movies

Films have a power to transport audiences, to invite them to faraway places and ideas they’ve never visited and may never have the chance to see. They may be real or imagined, but the impact of any film comes from its ability to draw in viewers and to present a compelling escape. Auteurs and genres…