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Tag: McCarthyism

NewFest : “Fellow Travelers”/ A Stunningly Beautiful Glimpse into the Lavender Closet of the 1950s

The gay male community in the United States experienced two existential crises in the late twentieth century: one in the 1950s and another in the 1980s. During the McCarthy Era, a decade or more before the Stonewall uprising in 1969, homosexuals—typically closeted—in the State Department and other federal agencies were persecuted as perceived security risks,…

Cancel Culture Is Getting Out Of Control

Back in the summer of 2020, the 1939  Oscar-winning Gone With The Wind was removed from HBO Max, after 12 Years A Slave screenwriter John Ridley, who won the best adapted screenplay Oscar for his work, wrote a column in the Los Angeles Times saying it should not continue to be shown because of its…