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Jonathan Majors’ ‘Magazine Dreams’ Seeking New Distributor

Jonathan Majors’ body-building drama Magazine Dreams is seeking a new distributor, nearly a year after Searchlight Pictures acquired the rights to the feature. The specialty arm of Walt Disney Studios has returned the project’s rights to the filmmakers, who will now shop it to other buyers, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The decision comes several…

New Dylan Biopic, ‘A Complete Unknown’ May Enjoy a Streaming Release

Directed by James Mangold, a new biopic about Bob Dylan is expected to start filming this August, though the ongoing writers’ strike may play havoc with the scheduling. Titled A Complete Unknown, it stars Timothée Chalamet as the iconic singer, with other cast members including Benedict Cumberbatch, Elle Fanning, Boyd Holbrook, and Monica Barbaro. It’s…

Searchlight Suspends Production of Being Mortal; is Bill Murray to Blame?

Production has been halted since Monday on Searchlight’s Being Mortal, the directorial debut film of Aziz Ansari, with reports swirling about that actor Bill Murray has been accused of “inappropriate behavior.” A letter Searchlight sent to the cast and crew on Wednesday reveals the reasons for its decision to suspend production for the time being,…

Film Review: The Oddly Fresh Take on Dating from “Fresh”

Does anybody like the dating scene? Whether or not people are willing to admit it, the entire venture is not just a crap shoot for everyone–but a whole distinct world of disappointment and woe for women. online pharmacy estrace over the counter with best prices today in the USA Unwanted advances, staggeringly self centered cads,…

Film Review- “The Night House,” When Thematic Dichotomy Takes the Reigns

Truly great films have the best of both worlds. On one end, they’re well crafted visual delights that entertain and engage an audience. At the other end, they are carried by strong themes that philosophize and explore the deeper mysteries of the world. Most of the time these two entities share a common space. They…