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Tag: Sharp Stick

Lena Dunham Reportedly To Create ‘Too Much’ for Netflix

@Girls, Full Disclosure  According to, Lena Dunham is planning to write and direct Too Much for Netflix, a romantic comedy about “an American woman in London.” Few other details are known about the project. Dunham had come to wide public attention back in 2012 with the premiere of the HBO smash hit Girls. The…

Sundance Film Festival Review- The blunt end of “Sharp Stick”

Around 5 minutes into Sharp Stick 26 year old Sarah Jo (Kristine Froseth) goes to put a “pre-eviction” note on the door of a tenant her mother is about to evict from the apartment complex they run. Or, so it seems it is an apartment complex. They refer to him as the tenant in 1-A, but…