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Tag: TIFF 2024

TIFF: Exclusive Interview with Boong Director Lakshmipriya Devi

Boong: Schoolboy Boong (Gugun Kipgen) doesn’t see long distances and state borders as significant obstacles. At least not when it comes to giving his mother, Mandakini (Bala Hijam), the best surprise gift ever: bringing back his father, Joykumar (Hamom Sadananda). After leaving their home city of Manipur, India for the border city of Moreh, near…

TIFF: Playing the Hero in ‘Sharp Corner’

There’s a popular expression which describes how it’s impossible to look away from a car crash. No one wants to be the victim, and a combination of horror and genuine curiosity often lead to increased traffic around the site of an accident as drivers slow to see what could have happened to them but instead…

TIFF: Forging Her Own Path in ‘Bird’

The home in which a person is raised can have a strong effect on building character. Positive role models and attentive parents may produce a child who is well-behaved and capable, though potentially less used to doing things on their own if too much is done for them. When there isn’t someone who is putting…

TIFF: A Harsh Homecoming for Odysseus in ‘The Return’

Returning home after a long time away with no communication is always uncomfortable. In the age of cell phones and emails, not being in touch feels like a deliberate choice, but in the time of the Trojan War long before the advent of modern technology, failure to send word was considerably more excusable. Literature fans…

TIFF: Couple Dynamics in ‘Millers in Marriage’

Not all relationships are built to last. People can also change over time and want and need different things than they did at first. If everyone involved pays attention and alters their behavior appropriately, everything should work out, but if the effort is only one-way, it may be doomed to fail. Millers in Marriage checks…

Toronto International Film Festival : A Father’s Love in ‘A Missing Part’

The relationship between a parent and a child is something that can be truly influential, whether for good or bad. The absence of that bond, for whatever reason, can be equally damaging. For the child, they may think they have been abandoned but never actually understand the circumstances that prohibited them from having contact, while…

TIFF: Orlando Bloom Pushes Himself to the Edge in ‘The Cut’

Sporting competitions exist for the enjoyment of others but have been linked to many troubling health risks. That hasn’t stopped many events and institutions from continuing to be popular and to attract those who are willing to do whatever it takes to compete and win. Intense physical transformations are often necessary, and there may be…

TIFF: A Confusing Picture of a Man in ‘Oh, Canada’

It’s hard to know how to distinguish fact from fiction, especially when someone else is telling the story. Details tend to play into the believability of a particular tale, and while specifics can make something seem realer, they can also reveal rehearsed inventions that have no basis in truth. Paul Schrader’s latest film Oh, Canada…

Toronto International Film Festival : ‘Can I Get a Witness?’ Envisions a Bold and Fascinating Future

One of the reasons that people fear death is that they don’t know when it’s coming. Not knowing what happens afterward is also important, but the uncertainty of how a final day or moment might be spent without tying up loose ends or properly saying goodbye can be truly terrifying. Can I Get a Witness?…

Toronto International Film Festival : A Mesmerizing Relationship in ‘Matt and Mara’

Old friends seeing each other again for the first time in years can feel like picking back up without any time lost. While that nostalgic sentiment may be genuine and powerful, the likelihood that circumstances for both of them haven’t changed in their time apart is not high. Depending on their situations, the reunion may…