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Q&A with Douglas Trumbull, A Special Effect Supervisor Who Worked on 2001, A Space Odyssey,” “Blade Runner,” “Star Trek: The Motion Picture” and “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”

About a week ago, we’ve lost the greatest special effect pioneer, Douglas Trumbull who brought impossible cinematic experience in “2001, A Space Odyssey,” “Blade Runner,” “Star Trek: The Motion Picture” and “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.” I had a chance to see him in person for the special screening of “Brianstorm” at the MOMI(Museum of…

Soylent Green, The 1973 Ecological Dystopian Film Set In 2022, Is Warning Us

Reality is stranger than fiction. Sometimes fiction may anticipate reality. Authors like George Orwell with 1984, H.G. Wells with The War of the Worlds, Aldous Huxley with Brave New World, all foresaw a future similar to the one we are now inhabiting: an intelligence-based social hierarchy, where every citizen’s privacy is at the mercy of…

Director James Ivory on His Memoir, “Solid Ivory” and His Career

American director James Ivory (born 1928) has become known for his unrivaled screen adaptations of major classic and contemporary novels, including A Room With a View, Howards End, and The Remains of the Day. He has also enjoyed a successful and lucrative partnership with Indian producer Ismail Merchant, in their independent film company, Merchant Ivory…

“Halloween” : An Exclusive Interview with Director John Carpenter

I had the opportunity to meet Sandy Carpenter, a graphic novelist at Comi-Con in New York, who also married one of America’s greatest directors, John Carpenter. After we had an exchange conversation, Sandy agreed to send my questions to John, who doesn’t like to appear on TV or Zoom interview, he prefers to respond through the…

Eastern Promises : Q&A with Actor Viggo Mortensen

Synopsis : Nikolai (Viggo Mortensen), who is both ruthless and mysterious, has ties to one of the most dangerous crime families in London. He crosses paths with Anna (Naomi Watts), a midwife who has come across potentially damaging evidence against the family, which forces him to set in motion a plan of deceit, death and retribution….

30th Years Anniversary of Thelma & Louise / Q&A with Actress Geena Davis and Writer Callie Khouri

Thelma & Louise was released 30 years ago. Now, The 2021 Bentonville Film Festival、 which runs by Geena Davis, who had a wonderful reunion with writer Callie Khouri to look back on their landmark film that left an indelible mark on American culture. Synopsis : Meek housewife Thelma (Geena Davis) joins her friend Louise (Susan Sarandon), an…

Old : Q&A with M. Night Shyamalan and Alex Wolff on Their Latest Film, “OLD” and Their Career

During a recent Tribeca Talks, M. Night Shyamalan discussed the challenge that he faced while he was making a latest outing, “Old.” His upcoming psychological horror film “Old” was one of the first studio film that shot during the pandemic. He invested his own money to shoot it safely, especially after a hurricane destroyed the film’s…

Director Barry Jenkins and Composer Nicholas Britell Discuss The Music Making of “The Underground Railroad”

This dialogue between director Barry Jenkins and his composer Nicholas Britell details the unfolding process of creation just as their making of the music underscored the creative process which illuminated in Jenkins’ 10-episode adaptation of author Colson Whitehead’s acclaimed novel, The Underground Railroad.” In Whitehead’s alternative world the system that saved many lives of escaping…

Refuse Hate : Tyler Perry Addressed His Pained Roots

Photo by Nobuhiro Hosoki At this year’s unusual Oscar ceremony, actor/director/producer Tyler Perry gave a memorable speech when he accepted the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award for his work feeding and aiding others during the pandemic. Past honorees include Oprah Winfrey, Angelina Jolie, Harry Belafonte, Debbie Reynolds and Geena Davis. The 51-year-old filmmaker made an impassioned…

An Exclusive Interview with Leon Vitali, Who Was Stanley Kubrick’s Right-Hand Man

Leon Vitali, born in 1948, English actor Leon Vitali’s collaborations with Kubrick both as his personal assistant, and as an actor, most notably as Lord Bullingdon in Barry Lyndon established him in a way few can claim. In 1974 Vitali met Kubrick, with whom he had a professional relationship for the rest of Kubrick’s career….

Interview with Eclectic Filmmaker Ching Juhl For ‘My Yang Gang Diary’

My Yang Gang Diary is a documentary written, directed, filmed, edited and produced by Ching Juhl. The film portrays the 2020 campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang. The fascinating trait, is that the storytelling occurs through the the eyes of his supporters, known as the “Yang Gang.”  Juhl documents her one year journey with…