For almost 35 years, the stop-motion animated duo of Wallace and Gromit have been a staple of family-friendly comedy, created by Nick Park and introduced in the 1989 short film A Grand Day Out, which was nominated for an Oscar. Since that time, Park has returned to the characters for a number of shorts, as well as the 2005 feature, The Curse of the Wererabbit, and even a few video games. Park’s Aardman Animation has also branched off with other characters like Shaun the Sheep, who has become equally popular and successful.
Now, Park has teamed with co-director Merlin Crossingham for Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl, only the second feature-length film starring the kooky inventor (once again voiced by Ben Whitehead) and his more practical and beloved pet dog, Gromit. Wallace’s latest invention is a “Norbot,” a mechanical gnome helper that is supposed to make life easier, but actually starts causing trouble for their community, while at the same time, the nefarious criminal Feathers McGraw is out and about stealing anything he can.
Cinema Daily US had a chance to speak with Park and Crossingham about their latest effort in a video interview you can watch above, where we learned that, yes, there are puns that are even too groan-worthy for Wallace.
Wallace and Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl will be released in select theaters on Wednesday, December 18 and then will stream on Netflix starring January 3, 2025.
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Director: Nick Park, Merlin Crossingham
Screenwriter: Mark Burton, Nick Park
Voice Cast: Ben Whitehead, Peter Kay, Lauren Patel, Reece Shearsmith, Diane Morgan
Producer: Richard Beek, Claire Jennings
Production Co: Aardman Animations, StudioCanal
Distributor: Netflix
Rating: PG (Some Action|Rude Humor)
Genre: Animation, Comedy
Language: English
Release Date (Theaters): 12/18/24 (limited)
Runtime: 1 hour, 19 minutes
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You can watch the trailer below: