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Tag: DOC NYC Short List

DOC NYC Film Review – ‘Louis Armstrong’s Black and Blues’ is a Deep and Resounding Portrait of the Musician

When Louis Armstrong died in 1971, newscaster Walter Cronkite proclaimed, “We aren’t saying goodbye to Louis tonight, because a man’s music does not die with him, certainly not this man’s.” Armstrong was enormously influential and it’s difficult to find another musician who has left such an enduring mark on the industry and the world in…

DOC NYC Film Review – ‘The Return of Tanya Tucker – Featuring Brandi Carlile’ is an Uplifting Collaborative Musical Rebirth

There are few things more inspiring than a good comeback story. Accomplished individuals of all varieties may experience obstacles to their success that aren’t at all within their control but which are surely frustrating and lamentable. Getting another shot at a different moment in time can be truly affirming, especially when the invitation back to…