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In this Episode we sit down with The Pale Figures and discuss writing, recording and releasing the sound track for MORT AUX LAPINS volume 4 and volume 5. The Pale Figures are an American band based in Wisconsin and TN their new album is the sound track for the upcoming movie MORT AUX LAPINS by Siggy Dollar.
Siggy Dollar is an American filmmaker and musician located in Nashville, TN.
His band The Pale Figures released a double record called Mort Aux Lapins Volume 4 and 5 in 2022. Siggy and The Pale Figures are currently filming a feature length film called Mort Aux Lapins.
Mort Aux Lapins is a movie by Siggy Dollar. The film is a fictional narrative film that covers the topics of Clergy Abuse, Suicide and Mental Health. The film is being filmed on 16 mm Kodak film and digital cameras.
The Church has been hiding behind masks and covering up the truth for centuries.
Priests have always been protected and in a position to avoid the repercussions of their actions.
Now that all changes as Siggy Dollar makes a deal with the devil to bring back a fallen angel to track down pedophile priests and the people who protect them. Justice is finally served . . . or is it ?