Gyeongseong Creature Season 2 : Press Conference with Actors Park Seo-joon, Han So-hee, Lee Moo-Sung, Director Chung Dong-yoon

Gyeongseong Creature Season 2 : Press Conference with Actors Park Seo-joon, Han So-hee, Lee Moo-Sung, Director Chung Dong-yoon

©Courtesy of Netflix

Gyeongseong Creature : Set in present-day Seoul, it is about the story of Ho-jae, who resembles Jang Tae-sang, and Yoon Chae-ok, who meet and explore the unfinished relationship, fate, and evil relationship of Gyeongseong
Cast : Park Seo-joon, Han So-hee, Lee Moo-Sung
Screenwriter : Kang Eun-Kyung
Network : Netflix
Rating : TV-MA
Genre : Mystery & Thllier, Horror, Action
Original Language : Korean
Release Date : September 27, 2024.
Gyeongseong Creature
©Courtesy of Netflix

Press Conference with Actors Park Seo-joon, Han So-hee, Lee Moo-Sung, Director Chung Dong-yoon


Q : The inevitable destiny that sprung in 1945 Gyeongseong continues into 2024 Seoul. How are you, everyone? Welcome to the press conference for Gyeongseong Creature season two. I am Park Kyeong-rim, your host today. Wonderful to see you all. Gyeongseong Creature season 2 catapults forward to 2024 Seoul, where Ho-jae, who bears a striking resemblance to Tae-sang, meets Chae-ok who has lived through Gyeongseong’s spring, and the two struggle to unwind the destiny and karmic bond that have existed since the Gyeongseong era. I’m so curious what stories will unfold in 2024 Seoul after all that’s happened in 1945 Gyeongseong. We will now welcome to the stage director Chung Dong-yoon and the amazing cast of Gyeongseong Creature season two, one by one.

Q :  Wonderful. Gyeongseong Creature is back with a second season after eight months. The first season was about what happened in Gyeongseong back in 1945; season two fast forwards to the present, 2024, and tells the story of what happens in Seoul. Since the backdrop and time period are different, I bet season two has many aspects that diverge from season one. So allow me to ask the director. While you get ready, we actually have some keywords that we want to use to get to know more about this all-new season. The first keyword is season two. The keyword just popped on the screens. So Director Chung, do tell us more about season two.

Chung Dong-yoon : Gyeongseong Creature season two is about the remnants of the past that we still find in 2024 Seoul and it’s the story of Ho-jae, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Tae-sang, reuniting with Chae-ok, who has lived on for the past 79 years.

Q : Director Chung, it seems like you’re good at memorizing lines! In season two, I bet we’ll get to see some unfinished business, the destinies and fate that started in 1945 Gyeongseong continue on. Fans of season one are eager to learn more about where their destinies are headed. We have two returning members of the cast, Seo-jun and So-hee. How do you feel to be back with a second season?

Park Seo-joon : It’s actually been quite some time since we wrapped production so I need time to let it sink in. I think it’s a big honor that we get to share the time and effort that we poured into this show with all of you once again and while the process was challenging, it was a joyful ride. I hope you enjoy the show and we’ll be even more grateful if you rewatch season one.

Q : I bet a lot of the fans rewatched season one, counting down for the release of season two. It must have felt fresh to act against another time period in the same show. So-hee, how do you feel to be back?

Han So-hee : Since we wrapped filming quite some time ago, I’m delighted season two is finally seeing the light of day. And if it was just Seo-jun and myself in season one, this time we have Mu-saeng and Hyeon-seong too, so it feels like a whole new project in a sense.

Q : I bet the viewers feel the same way too—that the show seems all-new probably because of the newly added members of the cast. Mu-saeng, what was it like coming onboard?

Lee Moo-Sung : Well, I am so excited and my heart is fluttering. I was so happy to be able to work together with the two, and I know they poured their hearts and souls into the show ever since the kickoff for season one. I could feel that. So I joined the cast to be of help and the director also worked so hard on the show. Hyeong-seong too, of course. I hope today will be like a party for all of us.

Q : Definitely. A joyous fest just before launching the new season! Mu-saeng, what about the show drew you in?

Lee Moo-Sung  : You know, season one has that grand scale.

Q: Sure. 

Lee Moo-Sung : And the compelling narrative. Season two takes things up a notch with an expanded universe and it’s so fast-paced. It was just gripping. The script pulled me right in. And there’s that tension and conflict between those who try to stop this clandestine project and those who try to leverage it to seize power. And I got to be part of that world as a newly introduced character.

Q : Feels like I’m talking to Kang Eun-kyung, the writer of the show!

Lee Moo-Sung : We actually did talk over the phone.

Q : Great. Hyeon-seong, you also newly joined the cast. How do you feel and why did you decide to join?

Bae Hyun-sung : First of all I was eager to audition for a role in a show written by writer Kang Eun-kyung and directed by Director Chung Dong-yoon. And the wonderful cast! The whole process was a joyous ride for me. Also, my character is someone quite different from the characters I’ve played so far so I thought it was a never-to-miss opportunity for me to show viewers new facets of myself.

Gyeongseong Creature

©Courtesy of Netflix

Q : Exactly. Hyeon-seong played nice and sweet characters who’d talk just the way he did just now, and we’re going to see a polar opposite side of him in Gyeongseong Creature season two, for sure. Looking forward to that! So, an expanded universe, evolved characters and newly introduced characters! It’s getting harder and harder to wait! Let’s move on to the second keyword—1945 Gyeongseong to 2024 Seoul. The biggest change in season two seems to be the change in the time period. Director Chung, you could have just gone with the same time period and universe, but we’re transported to a different era. What was behind that decision?

Chung Dong-yoon  : So when I first started working on this show, everything sprung from this creature that appeared in the middle of the city of Gyeongseong. I wanted to use this creature as a medium to connect the past to the present. I didn’t want to stop at just describing the past, but to bring that creature to the present to give us a moment to think about the remnants of the past that still remain. So when I was crafting the two seasons I talked with writer Kang about a time leap. In 79 years, everything has evolved and everything has become so convenient. But we still have people who do heinous things for their very selfish interest. That’s what I wanted to talk about, and also touch on that irony of people living in this convenient era being so complacent and willing to bow down.

Q : Very well said. That is exactly the message this show will convey, right? Seo-jun and So-hee, you played characters living in different eras while they’re still in the same show. Seo-jun played 1945 Tae-sang and 2024 Ho-jae, and So-hee played Chae-ok who’s always been in existence all these years—from 1945 to 2024. What was that like?

Park Seo-joon : So I played characters with different names. When we were filming season one, because it was set back in the past, we’d film a lot on set or in places other than Seoul. For season two, however, the backdrop is 2024 Seoul so it felt totally different. I felt like I was stuck in the past and then all of a sudden got transported to the present. It felt fresh and I enjoyed thinking about what different charms I can show with my character now that he’s in a different era. And Chae-ok has been in existence for over 70 years. But she’s paler in season two. She’s really good with skincare, with anti-aging.

Q : Maybe because she was a hermit.

Park Seo-joon : Yeah, because she didn’t see much sunlight. But how did she get paler? I had all these thoughts.

Q : Wow, the attention to detail. Great. So they seem like two different shows but they are actually one show. Okay, Chae-ok.

Han So-hee : Chae-ok has lived ever since 1945, so instead of focusing on what impact the time progression would have had on her, I thought more about how to portray the time she’s been through. She’s a lonely character who’s like a lonewolf. I focused on how she must have felt enduring all those years by herself.

Q : Looks like you poured in a lot of effort into portraying those years and the emotions that have piled up inside of her. Great. Director Chung, since there was a time leap, I bet you needed a different approach to production. What were your areas of focus?

Chung Dong-yoon : Since season one was set against 1945, which was a tragic, tumultuous time, I wanted a more still, static feel to it. But season two sees a 79-year jump and because it’s present-day, I really paced it up. Everything you see on the screen and hear on the screen is fast-paced and quick—I think that’s what sets the second season apart from the first, so that was my area of focus.

Q : Pacing was key this time around. If fans rewatch season one and continue right onto season two, they’d feel the change is pace right away, right?

Chung Dong-yoon : I’m sure they will. Still, it’s one common narrative overarching both seasons so there are moments where you can connect back to season one, like little easter eggs. It’s going to be fun for you to look for those!

Q : Wonderful. So the narrative continues into season two, but there is a big change with the time leap from Gyeongseong to Seoul. Once again, I’m put on the edge of my seat for the second season. Let’s take a look at the third keyword. The third keyword—NOT creature but najin. We see on the screen that the word creature is crossed out and the word najin catches my eye. And if you look at the screen, we see something that looks like the numeric number two glowing in blue. Hyeon-seong, can you tell us what that thing glowing in blue is? 

Bae Hyun-sung : The thing glowing in blue is najin!

Gyeongseong Creature

©Courtesy of Netflix

Q : So that’s najin. All eyes are on najin! I mean we saw it in the show but never up close like this. In season one najin was something that turned humans into monsters. Since season two is set against present-day Seoul, I bet we’d see different portrayals of najin and the creatures. I should ask the director. Director Chung, how did you portray najin and the creatures in season two?

Chung Dong-yoon : I wished everyone would think about what najin means to different people—that was where I was coming from when I was trying to express najin. To some it would be a desperate struggle, to some it’d be a means to gain power over others, to some it’d have been a curse. You’ll see who I’m talking about when you watch season two. The time setting is different, yes, but I wanted to focus on the fact that regardless of the shift in time, it’s the problem of people using najin, and the motives they have.

Q : So najin is the thing that knits the two seasons together. I believe the meaning of najin would be vastly different depending on from whose perspective you see najin. So we had some talks with the creator and cast. Now, we’re really curious about how the story will continue on in season two. So, let’s take a look at how the destinies and fates that sprung in 1945 were expressed by the cast members in season two. Let’s take a look at each of your characters, starting from Ho-jae. You just saw the 1945 Tae-sang’s image transform into the 2024 Ho-jae’s image. They look so much alike! Who is this person, Ho-jae?

Park Seo-joon : I think they just look alike. I’m actually unsure to what extent I can talk about this character. Just speaking off of the still, I guess there are many hints and you can use your imagination to guess who this guy is. What I can tell you, without giving too much away, is that I do know there were many options when creating season two, and we were set with this one story and that’s how season two came into being, and in that story my role can be interpreted in many different lights. You’ll know what I mean when you watch season two and you’ll have fun seeing myself expressing someone who’s similar, yet different. It’s so hard to put into words.

Q : Of course. Because it’s not out yet.

Park Seo-joon : Yeah, I just want to spill it all out!

Q : Seo-jun likes to be very frank and straight-forward so that’s why he’s very cautious right now. He doesn’t want to give things away! After the main trailer dropped, a lot of folks online were like, is Ho-jae the same guy as Tae-sang? Is he the reincarnation of Tae-sang? So I know there are lots of questions out there; what we have to do is stay tuned for the release of Gyeongseong Creature season two on the 27th of September, and we’ll get to find everything out.

Park Seo-joon : I hope Gyeongseong Creature season two becomes a hojae (also means good luck in Korean).

Q : Wow, a punch line?

Park Seo-joon : So we have Ho-jae in Gyeongseong Creature season two, and hope this show is hojae. Ho-jae’s hojae, wonderful. Check it out!

Q : What happened to you? (laughs)

Park Seo-joon : Just to break the ice.

Q : Alright, Seo-jun. How did you want to distinguish between 1945 Tae-sang and 2024 Ho-jae?

Park Seo-joon : Because the second season is set against the current-day, I felt I needed a change in my style and look to really show that difference. Because it’s a different time period, and also because he has a different job now compared to what he did in the past, the way of expressing him was different in that sense too. For me, the biggest challenge and joy was focusing on how his emotions evolved. It’s very hard to describe Ho-jae right now, but I did really pour my heart and soul into portraying him.

Q : Alright, so his emotions are deeper in season two, and his action has also been taken up a notch. What’s different this time around?

Park Seo-joon : Action in season two is more visually breathtaking. The backdrop is different and the look and feel of it is a whole new thing this time. It’s going to be a visual feast, for sure.

Gyeongseong Creature

©Courtesy of Netflix

Q : Looking forward to the visual feast of stunt scenes, and looking forward to Seo-jun pulling off the nuanced portrayal of his character as well as some bombastic action. Hope Ho-jae means hojae to you!

Park Seo-joon : Hope it’s hojae to everyone!

Q : RIght on to So-hee with Chae-ok’s still. Seems like Chae-ok in 1945 and Chae-ok in 2024 are different but yet still the same person. Can you tell us more about her?

Han So-hee : Chae-ok always was and still is a very selfless person. She locates missing people and lives to help others. One difference would be that in the past she had her own longings and desires, but now after all this time that’s faded away. Because so much time has passed, her reason for existence and her goals are somewhat lost in the way and she’s transformed into a character who’s much more selfless.

Q : So in season one, she had a clear motive and now that’s faded and she just lives to help others. After she gobbled down najin, from 1945 to 2024, she’s been in existence, not aging. What did you focus on in trying to portray this kind of character?

Han So-hee : Najin has that power that keeps you from aging, and gives you a glowing skin! So she had to lead a hermit life because she couldn’t be found out. So she dresses in dark colors.

Q : You must’ve been very lonely. After swallowing the najin, you gained superpowers, meaning your action scenes were taken up a notch. What was that like?

Han So-hee : It was my first time on wire and I got over my fear of heights.

Q : Oh, you were up in the air for that long!

Han So-hee : Yeah, I got over my fear of heights and because this is superhuman action, I had to be really swift and clear-cut in my movements. That required lots of training and rehearsals.

Q : So, in season one the action was literally more grounded, and this time, more airborne. A big shift. Lovely. So we talked about Ho-jae and Chae-ok and the destiny that ties the two together from 1945 to 2024 is key to Gyeongseong Creature season two. Here is a still of the two, showing their timeless bond. That was 1945 and you guys meet again in 2024. Seo-jun and So-hee, you guys reunited after 79 years. What was your chemistry like?

Park Seo-joon : I think our chemistry was even better in season two, partly because we really are closer together in real life compared to when we were shooting season one. Also, because the second season is set against the present-day, we felt more at ease with the tone of speech and everything. As you just saw from the still, we were always kind of bickering when we first met, and Director Chung told us that he still wanted that vibe in season two. Please stay tuned to how we two will reunite and what will happen to us!

Q : Great. So-hee. What can we expect to see after Ho-jae and Chae-ok meet?

Han So-hee : From Chae-ok’s perspective, this is a reunion.

Q : Yeah, because she’s always been in existence.

Han So-hee : He’s Ho-jae but he looks just like Tae-sang. There are certain feelings that just come to her because she sees him. And when you follow her emotional journey, there are inevitably going to be some very heartbreaking moments. If you focus on those moments, you’ll be able to really resonate with her.

Q : Because you missed him all this time—I bet we can see your deeper, longing chemistry. That’s great. So that was what we should look for from your two characters. Let’s move on to the newly added characters in season two. First, the leader of the kurokos played by Mu-saeng. Look at his charisma. I’m intimidated! Before we talk about the leader of the kurokos, we gotta ask you, Director Chung, who are the kurokos?

Chung Dong-yoon : Kuroko is the Japanese term for the staff in Japanese traditional theater who wear black clothing and set the stage and move props. That’s where I got my idea. I wanted them to be like shadows. That’s why they dress in all black and have their faces covered. We don’t know who they are but they move in herds. I wanted them to feel like a herd of cockroaches. Kurokos are basically those who blindly obey their leader.

Gyeongseong Creature

©Courtesy of Netflix

Q : Great, so that’s who the kurokos are. Mu-saeng, you are the leader of those kurokos. Do tell us more.

Lee Moo-Sung : He is the leader of the kurokos, the secret agents of Jeonseung Biotech. He also crafts a sinister plan to recreate the najin experiments in the labs of Jeonseung Biotech, which is where Kato’s underground experiments took place in 1945.

Q : You’re speaking like you’re pitching a project.

Lee Moo-Sung : Just like writer Kang pitching.

Q : I bet playing the leader of the kurokos, the secret agents at Jesonseung Biotech, would have required cool-headed judgment and charisma. What was that like?

Lee Moo-Sung : Yes, the leader of the kurokos is a character with excellent judgment, intuition, and even physical abilities. He must have worked really hard to be where he’s at now. That’s why he’s a perfectionist and can be quite picky sometimes. Starting from there I built my character. You can probably see off of the still just what kind of guy he is—look at his perfectly sleek hairstyle.

Q : We’ve seen you deliver amazing performances in a diverse array of projects, but this time around you probably had to subdue others with just your gaze. Did you think a lot about your gaze? The look in your eyes?

Lee Moo-Sung : I thought my eyes would pop out! (laughs) To be fair, instead of focusing on the gaze in and of itself, I just focused on the situation. I also really loved the energy from my peer cast members. The energy of the cast members in season two was just pure amazing, and I tried not  to back down and I think that’s what you see on the screen.

Q : The more we talk, the more curious I get about what his ultimate goal is, but we’ll find out when we watch the second season. Mu-saeng, you had a lot of scenes with Seo-jun and Hyeon-seong. What was the chemistry like?

Lee Moo-Sung : So I may be repeating myself, but Seo-jun and So-hee have been working on both seasons of the show for over a year. Since we’re new additions to the cast, I thought building the chemistry with existing members of the cast was of key importance. When I got there on the set, So-hee already was transformed into Chae-ok and Seo-jun, into Tae-sang and Ho-jae. So I could work off of their energy. And Hyeon-seong, as we said earlier on, looks like a very cute, adorable guy, but when you watch season two, you’ll find a totally new side of him. Very beastly and macho!

Q : Great, let’s check out beastly Seung-jo in his still. I think I totally get what you mean. Hyeon-seong, what kind of person is Seung-jo?

Bae Hyun-sung : Seung-jo, who appears in season two for the first time, is a very merciless, aggressive person with superhuman abilities and tentacles which he can use at will. He goes after Tae-sang and Chae-ok and clashes with them.

Q : You come off as such a sweetheart, it doesn’t seem like you can clash against the two! You seem so harmless! When we watch the show, I think a lot of people would be shocked at this new side of Hyeon-seong. So Seung-jo is the polar opposite of your previous characters who were harmless and sweet. What facet of yourself did you want to portray through Seung-jo?

Bae Hyun-sung : Just like you said, I was eager to show viewers a totally new side of myself. I wanted to prove that I can pull off cold-hearted, merciless characters like Seung-jo, so I worked hard even before we went into production and also seeked advice from the director and my fellow cast members.

Gyeongseong Creature

©Courtesy of Netflix

Q : As we got a sneak peak from the trailer, Seung-jo uses the special abilities of najin and uses tentacles when he’s fighting. That means you had to rely on your imagination when filming those scenes, right? What was that like?

Bae Hyun-sung : Yeah, as I was getting ready before the shoot, it was quite difficult for me to imagine how the tentacles would move and work, so I was a bit worried. But the director told me in detail what the tentacles would look like and how they’d move, and also showed me a previz,  which really was a big help. I held a green stick in my hand when I was filming; I think that helped too.

Q : It was a whole new experience, and thankfully you had a lot of help too. In season two of Gyeongseong Creature, Hyeon-seong goes after Seo-jun and So-hee, so you must have shared a lot of scenes together with them. What was that like?

Bae Hyun-sung :Seo-jun and So-hee are veterans when it comes to action. So when we’re rehearsing the choreo, they’d teach me about the smallest details and give me so much helpful advice. I was also very impressed at how they’d cling on to their emotions even whilst they’re pulling off very wild stunt scenes. I was worried and stressed because this was my first time doing action, but thanks to them I learned so much and could pull it off.

Q : Lots of learning took place on the set. Great. I asked about the chemistry, but it was more of a learning experience, that’s wonderful. So Gyeongseong Creature is closing with its second season. It’s been a long journey and I know that the creator and cast of the show really poured their hearts and souls into this project. We now see behind-the-scenes stills popping up on the screen, and I can tell that you guys had a blast on set. Director Chung, what do you remember from filming this show?

Park Seo-joon : Seems like he can’t recall anything!

Q : My bad. I said you guys seem to have had a blast, but in that still shot, you guys look dead serious. Director Chung, anything you can think of?

Chung Dong-yoon : Well, as the creator of the show, of course countless things come to my mind. I really cherished every moment filming the two seasons of Gyeongseong Creature with these amazing people. Seo-jun and So-hee spent a long time, longer than others, with me. I felt that their potential really blooms in season two; whether it be their performance, or attitude as professionals, I think they really live up to their name, their fame. So while it was a challenging journey, they helped me get through it. I’d like to thank them for that.

Q: Because you guys shared the same goal and mindset, you were able to close this epic saga spotlessly. Feels like you really are grateful for everyone who worked on this project, including of course these two. Lastly, Director Chung, Gyeongseong Creature season one raised global awareness of an era in Korean history. Season two talks about the remnants and memories of that era that we should never forget. What should the global audience keep in mind when watching the second season?

Chung Dong-yoon : I think the story and the message conveyed in Gyeongseong Creature is not just unique to us Koreans. We’re not the only country that had star-crossed, tragic lovers. One important thing, however, is to think once again about the circumstances that hurt us, that led to tragedy. We have to state the fact, instead of compromising so easily and just bowing down. I think that’s really important and that is exactly the creative intent behind this show. Forgiving and forgetting are two different things. That’s what I wanted to share with the world.

Q : Thank you so much. We will find by watching season two of Gyeongseong Creature what it is  and why it is that we should not forget even after so much time has passed. Now let me open up the floor for questions. I bet all the press members here have already seen season one, and they’d be curious about season two. If you have a question, please raise your hand and our staff will bring over a mic to you. Any questions? We actually had a very thorough discussion about season two, but still, please raise your hand if you have a question. I think the press members need some time, so let me ask you a question first. Seo-jun, this time around you worked with new members of the cast—Mu-saeng and Hyeon-seong. So you’re working with different people this time around, compared to season one. What surprised you about their performance?

Park Seo-joon : Lots of surprising moments. I actually did not share that many scenes with them, but I asked if I could monitor some scenes of Mu-saeng and Hyeon-seong before we met on the set. I have goosebumps, because they seemed to be perfectly cut out for their roles. Their tone of speech and facial expressions were just spot-on, way beyond my imagination.

Q : Looks like this is your first time saying this.

Park Seo-joon : Yeah, so I thought, ‘Since everyone’s doing such an amazing job, it’s just me who has to work hard’. You can keep your hopes up high.

Han So-hee : I felt the same way. It’s just me who needs to do a good job, and everything’s all good to go. That was what I was thinking.

Q : My gosh, Mu-saeng. Just how well did you two do? Because Seo-jun and So-hee seem to be intimidated by your performance!

Lee Moo-Sung : Well, I was also the one who was thinking, ‘It’s just me who needs to do a good job here’.

Gyeongseong Creature

©Courtesy of Netflix

Q : Because they already had their chemistry built.

Lee Moo-Sung : Exactly. As I said before, I don’t share that many scenes with them, but the spark that we had when we shared a scene—that doesn’t have to be proportional to the number of scenes. More scenes don’t necessarily mean better chemistry. It could be just one scene together and an explosion of synergy. They were all so professional I thought, ‘I just need to keep it together and really nail this’. I was so pleasantly surprised too. I mean, are words even necessary to describe their finesse in action? Even then, I was so surprised I sprung up. Better stay tuned for their action scenes!

Q : We already know they’re great with action, but infusing emotions into action, that’s next level, and I think that’s what really surprised Mu-saeng. Hyeon-seong, I’m sure you feel the same way too?

Bae Hyun-sung : Sure. I wanted to work extra hard because I know all the other cast members are veterans. I wanted to pour my everything into this.

Q : The last season had mixed reactions. A big budget and a star-studded cast, and some people didn’t think it lived up to their expectations. I bet you worked extra hard on the second season. What do you think will make the viewers enjoy it more this time around? Maybe the director can take this question.

Chung Dong-yoon  : I did look at the feedback from season one, as a creator. When season one was out, I was actually done with editing season two. But after seeing the mixed reactions of season one, I thought I needed to really take on this challenge and I requested a re-edit of the second season. I did mention this before but I made it more fast-paced and made sure that people living in the current-day can relate to the story. Because we put so much effort and time into this project, it was my sense of duty to make it the best I could. I cannot guess how the second season will be received by the viewers, but as a creator I tried to incorporate the feedback into the second season and to share it with the viewers.

Q : I have a question for So-hee. We saw that you went through a lot of personal issues during the hiatus between the release of seasons one and two. I bet you have an array of emotions you’re going through now. How do you want the viewers to see this show and how do you feel about releasing the new season?

Han So-hee : I always want viewers to enjoy my work. My personal life shouldn’t interfere with my professional work. I hope the viewers will enjoy and love season two as well.

Q : Thank you. Thank you, journalists, for your questions, and with that we will wrap the live session. Starting from Director Chung, could you say your goodbyes to Netflix viewers in over 190 countries eagerly awaiting the drop of Gyeongseong Creature season two?

Chung Dong-yoon : The finale of season two really crosses my mind right now. I remember shooting under a bright, nice sunlight after the long dark tunnel we’ve been through. I hope that feeling and that memory can be shared with viewers across the globe. I hope you will watch the season, striding forward to that final moment. Thank you.

Q: Thank you. Hyeon-seong?

Bae Hyun-sung : Together with veteran actors we had a blast shooting Gyeongseong Creature season two. Stay tuned for the new characters, and hope you enjoy season two.

Q: Mu-saeng?

Lee Moo-Sung : The message conveyed by this show  really resonated with me. Hope it does with all of you too. See you on the 27th! Thank you.

Q : So-hee?

Han So-hee : Gyeongseong Creature season two is finally unveiling and I have an array of emotions swirling inside of me. I’m confident it’s going to be extremely fun, so stay tuned and show lots of love and support for Gyeongseong Creature season two!

Q : Last but not least, Seo-jun?

Park Seo-joon : Finally we’re spilling everything out. Feels new to me too. It’s been about two years with the same crew and we’ve been through so much together. All the happy, sometimes sad, memories all cross my mind right now and I hope our hard work will pay off when season two drops. Please check out the show and thank you to everyone who’s been on this journey together.

Q : Seo-jun, looks like you’re tearing up!

Park Seo-joon : My hair is getting in my eye.

Q : The Netflix show Gyeongseong Creature season two will drop globally only on Netflix on September 27. Hope you stay tuned and enjoy the show. Thank you to all the press members for joining us today despite their busy schedules. Let’s all get up and say bye. Goodbye! Thank you!

Gyeongseong Creature

©Courtesy of Netflix

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